Guildford Driving Instructor
Keeping learning simple
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Learning to drive with Lloyd Cliff

When learning to drive, I believe that communication is key to learning and passing your driving test. I am patient, considerate and provide you with the reassurance you may need to feel confident when learning to drive.

Learning to drive with Lloyd will ensure that you are learning from a franchised Driving Instructor with Red Driving School; one of the biggest driving schools in the UK. I am fully qualified up to their high standards and as a student of mine you can be secure in the knowledge that I keep up to date with all aspects of leaner driver training. I continually receive my own training so that when you are learning to drive with me, I can always give the best possible instruction.

As well as the high standards demanded of me by Red I have also been fully CRB (Criminal Records Bureau) checked which I am happy to show any learner. I have also been trained in techniques that allow me to communicate and instruct successfully with all learners – young or old, nervous or confident – and you can be sure that learning to drive with me will result in you becoming a safe and confident driver.

From experience I understand that a lot of students learning to drive will know what to do with their head long before their hands and feet do, but with reassurance and guidance I will help you master these skills as soon as possible. I will also give you feedback at the end of every driving lesson to guarantee that you are able to learn to drive quickly through your driving course.